Zen Ways to Health and Wellbeing course


8-week video course suitable if you’re looking for an introduction to mindfulness and meditation, and/or if you’re looking for a way of dealing with stress-related problems, depression, chronic-fatigue, or pain.


This 8-week video course is aimed specifically at promoting your overall health and wellbeing. In it, Zen master Daizan Skinner will teach you some simple but surprisingly effective techniques drawn from the Zen tradition to help you manage your everyday life, deal with stress and pain, improve your concentration and focussing skills, and boost your general health and wellbeing.

This course is suitable if you’re looking for an introduction to mindfulness and meditation, and/or if you’re looking for a way of dealing with stress-related problems, depression, chronic-fatigue, or pain.

It is designed as a substitute in the event you are not able to get to a live class, or as a support for those that have already attended a similar course.

YouTube video

The course explores a variety of topics including:

  • Stress and time pressures
  • Physical pain
  • Difficult emotions
  • Taking care of yourself and nurturing our wellbeing
  • Living at an elevated level of function

The meditation and mindfulness techniques that are covered include:

  • Body Scan
  • Counting the breath
  • Following the breath
  • The practice of presence
  • Mindful living

Over 8 hours of recorded material
**including bonus video on Mindfulness of Money and Wealth**
Study guide included
Be a part of our research programme studying the effectiveness of this course



4 reviews for Zen Ways to Health and Wellbeing course

  1. Kate Rowlandson

    A fantastic course with life-changing benefits which supports you to build your own practice so that you experience the benefits first hand. Daizan is an amazing teacher who is empowering you with tools that will transform your outlook on life.

  2. Keith Alker

    My first formal training in meditation was in 1971. In those days, there was a theme of ‘trust me, this is really valuable’. Daizan’s teaching is more like ‘don’t trust me, look at the science’. It is very powerful and very compelling when traditional methods are so strongly supported by modern university research studies.

  3. Jane Shattock

    Great to see that this course is to be made available in this format. Daizan lives the teaching. Also fantastic support for anyone who teaches the Zenways course to be able to offer this as an option if someone can’t attend classes.
    Thank you. Jane & Malcolm

  4. Pablo Lopez Pleguezuelo

    I love the way in which both modern research and tradition blends in this video course. The thousands-year old tradition of Zen and the evidence that has brought modern science are in perfect balance here. But, what I consider more important, along with all the philosphy, it also deals with the practicalities that actually constitute most of the way.

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