About Us
About Zenways
Our founder
Zenways was founded in 2007 when Julian Daizan Skinner returned from Japan having completed his formal studies in Zen. Arriving in the UK with very few connections, he decided to go on a walking pilgrimage up the centre of the island of Britain from the south tip of the Isle of Wight to the north tip of Scotland, living solely on alms and the generosity of strangers. Zenways was founded around the people he met on that walk.
In 2011, together with his students, he established Yugagyo Dojo, a Zen and yoga training place in South London.
Zen Community
Zenways is affiliated with the Blue Cliff Zen Centre, led by Matt Shinkai Kane Roshi. Shinkai and Daizan both studied under Shinzan Miyamae Roshi in Japan and were named successors.
Teacher Training
For people living in lay life and wanting the opportunity to practise deeply whilst also having a means for paying the bills, Daizan Roshi created two professional teacher training courses in yoga and meditation and mindfulness.
We now have a community of 100s of Zenways yoga and mindfulness teachers across the world.
Daizan and his senior student Mark Kuren Westmoquette have published a number of books on Zen, including “Practical Zen: Meditation and Beyond,” “Zen and the Art of Dealing With Difficult People” and “Practical Zen Yoga”. See our shop for a full list.