Our Yoga Teacher Training Tutors


Sam Warrington


Zenways founder, Zen Master
Julian Daizan Skinner is the first Englishman to go to Japan and become a Roshi or Zen Master in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen. Over twenty years ago, he gave up a promising career as a scientist in the pharmaceuticals industry, sold his house, gave all his money away and entered a Zen monastery.
Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Daizan Roshi received Dharma Transmission and permission to teach in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen. He has also undergone training as an enlightenment intensive master with Lawrence Noyes, leading student of the creator of enlightenment intensives, Charles Berner. In 2007 Daizan Roshi received inka from Shinzan Miyamae Roshi of Gyokuryuji.
Upon returning from Japan, Daizan Roshi went on walking pilgrimage up the centre of the island of Britain from the south tip of the Isle of Wight to the north tip of Scotland, living solely on alms food. He met many of his students from different parts of the UK during this time. Daizan Roshi currently offers sanzen (‘interviews’ or training encounters with his students) at Yugagyo Dojo (Zen Yoga) in London as well as using Skype for remote students. Together with his students, he has established, “Yugagyo Dojo”, a Zen training place in London. Daizan Roshi was teaching at The Buddhist Society, the oldest non-sectarian Buddhist Society in Europe, until December 2011.
His Zen study incorporated yoga practice. He has also studied yoga in Europe, America and Asia. He brings this wide range of yoga experience to sharing a practice that combines physical challenge with mental and spiritual development. He is registered with the Yoga Alliance at the 500-hour level and is registered with the Independent Yoga Network as a Yoga Elder with more than 5000 hours of teaching experience. Daizan trains yoga teachers to find an expression that is authentically their own and will bring them success when they teach. His knowledge and training in Zen gives him the background to guide you on your spiritual journey.
Mindfulness teacher
Mark Kuren Westmoquette PhD has been practising Zen under the guidance of Daizan Roshi since 2007, and has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2010. Until 2013 Mark was a scientist doing research in astronomy, but decided to give up his day job to focus on teaching and practising. He now works part-time for Zenways, helping to manage the organisation and run some of the teacher training programmes. Mark received authorisation to teach Zen at the junior level in 2016, and at the senior level in 2022.

Sam Warrington
Yoga teacher trainer
More recently Samantha has completed Ashtanga yoga teacher training with David Swenson.
Samantha has been involved in the editing and proofing of all the Zenways books, and is an active contributing blogger in the health, wellness and awareness fields.
Samantha combines a career in magazine journalism and online publishing, and her role as a mother with an active schedule of yoga teaching in north-west London.
She has been a yoga practitioner all her adult life, and has had the privilege to practise and train with a great many teachers, including Manju Jois, David Swenson, Frances D’Angelo, Yogi Ashokananda, Christopher Gladwell, Nadia Narain and Sue Chopping. She has achieved the grade of first kyu in the Zen martial art of kempo under the tutelage of Sensei Jee (sixth dan).