Breakthrough to Zen retreats
Breakthrough to Zen retreats
They are designed specifically to help you find your true nature – to find out who you really are (known as kensho in Japanese). This retreat format requires no particular worldview and has been transformative for people from many spiritual traditions and none. All you need is a willingness to simply face the reality of who and what you are.
We offer Breakthrough to Zen retreats in the UK, mainland Europe and the United States, and online.
If you have been suffering from severe mental health difficulties, a less intensive retreat format may suit you better. Please discuss with us. The retreats are not suitable for children.

Retreat schedule
The schedule is full and the days begin early and carry on into the evening. You are asked to participate fully and wholeheartedly in all activities. Every activity can be adapted in the case of physical difficulties. We keep silence as much as possible during the retreat and ask you to speak only when necessary. This helps you to keep awareness and focus as much as possible.
Upcoming retreat dates
Breakthrough to Zen Retreat – Oregon, USA
Breakthrough to Zen Retreat – Oregon, USA
Breakthrough to Zen Retreat (Online)
Breakthrough to Zen Retreat (Online)
Zen Retreat Donation
What you will find on this retreat is literally priceless. This being so, there is no charge for the retreat and no one is ever excluded due to lack of funds. However there are costs involved.
Instead of charging a fixed price, we encourage you to donate between £100 and £250, depending on your means. This money goes towards covering our costs, and any extra will go towards supporting our charities. If you’re in a condition of hardship, please get in touch and we can discuss what would work best for you. If the retreat surpassed your expectation, you can make an extra donation after the retreat.
Accommodation is paid separately to the retreat venue – further details will be sent after you’ve booked your place.
Personal account
Pete’s Account Of His First Retreat
Pete Hudson was an everyday guy who habitually bottled everything up and it was having a major detrimental effect on his life. He was angry and his marriage was breaking down. In one last-ditch attempt to save their relationship, his wife Emma asked him to attend a Zenways Breakthrough to Zen Retreat.