What is Zen?
What is Zen?
Fundamentally, Zen is about uncovering your true self, and learning to live from a place of genuine authenticity. Practising Zen doesn’t mean imitating the teacher, the Buddha or anyone else. Zen is about learning how to be you, and discovering your individual Zen way – your expression of authentic you-ness.
But what do we mean by ‘you’?
The Zen school of Buddhism emphasises meditation as the primary route to finding who you really are. When we investigate the nature of ourselves deeply enough, we find a source of contentment and happiness that’s not based on wealth, success or failure, or popularity. Nobody can give it to you, but also nobody can take it away from you. We come to see that the nature of self is much broader, more fluid, more connected than we had ever imagined…
When we find this, we come home – and realise we actually always were and always will be.

The word Zen is a Japanese word that derives from the Chinese word Chan, which, in turn, derives from the Sanskrit word Dhyana, which means meditation. Zen is the school of Buddhism that most strongly emphasises meditation (zazen).

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