About Our Founder
Julian Daizan Skinner is the first Englishman to go to Japan and become a Roshi or Zen Master in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen. Over twenty years ago, he gave up his career in the pharmaceuticals industry, sold his house, gave all the money away and entered a Zen monastery.
Julian Daizan Roshi

Japan to Britain
Yoga Teacher & Trainer
His Zen study incorporated yoga practice. He has also studied yoga in Europe, America and Asia. He brings this wide range of yoga experience to sharing a practice that combines physical challenge with mental and spiritual development. He is registered with the Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT500 level and has over 5000 hours of teaching experience. Daizan trains yoga teachers to find an expression that is authentically their own and will bring them success when they teach. His knowledge and training in Zen gives him the background to guide you on your spiritual journey.

He is the author of a number of books on Zen and Zen yoga:
- In Heaven’s River: Poems and Carvings by Mountain Monk Enku (2015)
- The Zen Character: Life, Art and Teachings of Zen master Shinzan Miyamae (2015)
- Practical Zen: Meditation and Beyond (2017)
- Practical Zen for Health, Wealth and Mindfulness (2018)
- Rough Waking: For Those Confined And Homeless (Including You) (2019)
- Practical Zen Yoga (2023)